General information about your stay with the Bankwirt

In the popular holiday region Schladming-Dachstein

Bankwirt - Zierelement

Here we give you further information for your stay at the Bankwirt in Preunegg. For questions or "special" wishes you can contact us by e-mail or by phone.
We look forward to you!

General Informations

You are welcome to move into your room from 2pm

We offer you to vacate the rooms by 10am

on demand

We prefer cash payment
Payment by debit card or bank transfer is possible
We do not accept credit cards

you get in the cozy dining room
from 7.30 to 10 o'clock

Stornobedingungen / Reiseversicherung

Cancellation policy

Up to 3 months before arrival you can cancel free of charge.

From 3 months to 1 month before arrival, the cancellation fee is 40% of the booking price.
From 1 month to 1 week before arrival, the cancellation fee is 70% of the booking price.
In case of cancellation within the last week before arrival, the cancellation fee is 90% of the booking price.
For non-arrival the cancellation fee is 100% of the booking price.

The AGBH (general terms and conditions for the hotel industry) apply.

Travel insurance

We recommend you take out travel insurance.

Enjoy your holiday at the Bankwirt - in the middle of the Schladming-Dachstein region

Enquire now without obligation at the Bankwirt

We will gladly assist you in planning your holiday in the Schladming-Dachstein region and tell you the best activities in the most beautiful places!